Too Old To Rock & Roll….

Thursday afternoon & the sky is gray. A thunderstorm rolls in with the wind and wisps away my desire to venture out. I gather a better choice is to stay in and finish my packing.

“you’re not taking that box of old albums…” my mom yells from across the room. “We have no room in the new house for that kind of stuff.”

“What do you mean that kind of stuff?” I question knowing that she & dad do not approve of rock & roll nor my heavy metal albums.

“You know what I mean. No te hagas el bobo…” replies mom. Telling me not to act dumb is the answer I expected, but then she shocked me by adding “…you’re too old for that childish Rock ‘n Roll, anyway!”

Wow! she shocked me but got me thinking. Most of the other kids in the neighborhood have switched to disco. We no longer hang out together since going out to the parties & dancing is what is popular now-a-days.

But the rockers at school would never contemplate Disco. We rather listen to a heavy riff of Led Zeppelin or a slurry drool of Ozzy than ever injure our ears with the rhythm of that dreaded Disco beat. We would never be caught having a glare from the Disco ball enter our eyes!

Danny used to love Disco. I wonder what he listens to now… Working on the road and away from home, he probably doesn’t have time for dancing. But I never did like Disco. I like rock & roll and specially Jethro Tull. I don’t know why… it is an oddball choice – or at least that’s what the guys in school say.

Every time I bring it up, they reply. “Tull is dull man!”

I don’t know what it is, but that British/Scottish folk sound really syncs with me. I like the sound of the flute & their crazy medieval costumes. But when I share that at school, they call it weird. I guess it’s time to give up that thought, since the rousing is starting to get mean…

I guess we are ‘Unfashionable to the end’ since the disco kids at the mall just stare at us & giggle calling us long-haired hippies. We seem out of date! This crowd fashions white suits with black wide-collared shirts, their polyester skin-tight slacks – bell-bottomed – with the platform shoes. They no longer work on their Camaros or race their Mustangs.

I guess Rock & Roll is now old & maybe mom is right – I’m just too old to Rock ‘n Roll.

Anyway, we’re graduating tomorrow & that will be the last I see of those “blokes” as Ian Anderson would call them. To continue his vernacular, I will find me a ‘filly for my proud stallion seed’ and never have to deal with the rousing & hazing over a song preference again.

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