Remembering 9-11 From a Different Perspective

Nine years gone and the scars of 9-11 still show. No one event in history has altered our reality; our country; our consciousness and our spirituality as much as September 11,2001.

From that moment forward I knew life would be different.

In a moment, I experienced destruction and the end of something – a void.

I experienced grief and dread in the same gasp for air I hoped would fill my frozen lungs. My heart beats with fear and with hope in the same beat.

I didn’t know what to do or what to feel. I was like a living-dead zombie, anxious with the remote in my hand, but too frozen & numb to click any button. The lights of the TV brought me back to life when I would see somebody dragged out from that blinding cloud of destruction. And it dropped me back into my stupor when the second building fell.

I felt lost at the same moment I was thanking God for that blinding cloud that kept me from seen what I knew was inevitable.

That day I experienced the hatred & malice we humans are capable of – that hollow emptiness that sits in the pit of my stomach. But I also experienced the love, compassion and enduring nature that we human have within our magnificent souls.

I know there have been more horrific event in the past, however, never have we seen the whole world share the same grief of one event – all at that same moment on that same day. Never have we seen the whole world change in a blink of an eye.

We all experienced it with the world. That synchronicity, that oneness that we all are capable of – but that we all fear to explore.

In that moment we all forgot that fear and we were all one! In England they experienced that moment in the mid of their day; we in the East Coast started our day with it; while in California they were just getting present to that oneness as they slept.

With the destruction, that day brought forth change and an end to complacency. We were all forced to change directions. We were forced to look at the direction in which we were heading – that downward spiral motion that the negative forces were taking us.

These forces push the envelope to cause mass panic and fear; they play each one of us against the other; they turn friends into foe. They dug out the deepest, darkest shadows from within each one of us.

They almost won – and we didn’t even notice.

But instead something else occurred on that fateful day.

Early that morning I got a call from one of my sister’s to say that she’s OK!. See she was due to be downtown, near the WTC, for a 9:30am meeting. Just to hear her voice provided a sense of peace & that in spite of all the destruction, everything was going to be alright.

So throughout the day I focuses on the good that we are capable of. I saw a man, still carrying his briefcase, coming out of the blinding cloud. His face blood-soaked and his whole body covered in ashes. A lady runs up to him, wipes his face with a wet, comforting cloth of compassion & helps him sit on the curb.

I saw cars lining up at the corner, not waiting to turn once the light chooses to change, but waiting for their opportunity to contribute some coins into the fireman’s boot. The children in the backseats saluting these brave men, who for me represented all firemen, policemen & people of service who gave their lives in this tragic event.

I found myself pulling over to the curb so that I can give that homeless guy a buck – what the heck – two bucks! And the car behind me never honked.

We were all shocked with the horrors of the day, but that did not stop the show of love and support we all felt – it enhanced it! Terror was NOT the victor, Love was! The whole world took a stand against evil – we shifted the consciousness forever!

Now on this day of remembrance I invite you to have Love present and continue to spread that triumphant moment.

We caused a shift in our humanity and we have caused an alignment with the higher ability of Love. We have shown a moment of whole & perfect Love and have therefore asked God to enter and give the world a new meaning.

Change is on its way!

You may say that evil still persists, and is even stronger now! That the feel-good moment of love and support have gone by the wayside since 911, but I say that our cries for hope and love have not fallen on deaf ears with God.

Now – this very moment – we are already at a higher level of conscienceless and awareness then we were then! Our Love is stronger and by releasing this level of Love you have, out into the world – well the world will never be the same!

“The Twin Towers represents the dual identity of man. One is physical and the other is spiritual. Both had to be destroyed so that a new idea or new creation could arise from the ashes. This is the symbolic rising of the Pheonix. The new interpretation will join the physical experience with the spiritual expression, and they will ultimately live side by side in peace.” — Rev. Cheril Goodrich

I offer up Love, Peace, Freedom, Forgiveness & Compassion as my way to BE & as what I am creating in this new world.

How can you cause Love to be real in this world?

  • Love each & every one of your brothers & sisters and forgive them for what they have done. Start a new relationship with them.
  • Hug your nieces & nephews that you haven’t seen in a long while. Sure they don’t call you or even remember your birthday, but so what! Love them anyway…
  • Random acts of kindness (Sept. 11 anniversary marked by Acts of Kindness weekend)
  • Look and see, In memory of 9/11, how you can make a difference!
  • Giving money to your favorite charity is nice, but physically doing something for someone you know that is in need is much better.
  • Lastly – give your love and kindness to everyone around you. Leave them in a better place (spiritually/ emotionally) then when you found them.
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6 thoughts on “Remembering 9-11 From a Different Perspective

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  4. It’s pretty sad that there are individuals in America who are purposefully trying to harm the sensibilities of Muslims by desecrating their Holy Koran. Even though they have the legal right to do such a thing, they should be embarrassed of themselves.

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  6. 911 yet again, is currently nine many years I will nevertheless don’t forget everthing, highly Sad day, Wish all the things may turn into previous tense with me.

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