Shine On You Crazy Diamond

The common eye sees only the outside of things, and judges by that, but the ‘all seeing eye’ pierces through, and reads the heart and the soul, finding there capacities which the outside didn’t indicate or promise, and which the other kind couldn’t detect.
–Mark Twain

Today I got really sad news. SM, a friend & mentor passed away! He is a powerhouse & an inspiration for me and many other people with whom he had contact. I couldn’t accept this news so I call a friend we have in common and I ask her… “Tell me it isn’t so!”

She replies  “I can’t do that – it is so…”

This news hit me extremely hard & I broke down and just had to cry. I don’t know why it hit me soooo hard. Maybe because I just saw him last night. Or maybe because it confirmed what I already knew last night AND felt powerless about it!!!

I knew he was leaving…

You’ve heard of the expression “The eyes are the windows of the soul..” Well last night, SM’s soul was exiting out thru his windows! His soul would no longer be contained.

The greatness that SM is – can no longer be contained within the smallness of a human package. The genie is free and the light can no longer be contained.

I saw a bright light started emanating from his collar, his eyes and from the top of his head. I knew last night, in the middle of the event, that SM’s soul was departing but i did not want to acknowledge it.

I sat there almost frozen – since I knew what it was. I wanted to jump up as scream SM “you can’t go.. Stay…” but like a freshly cut tree stump, I sat there stoic and numb.

SM shined last night, both literally & figuratively. See he managed the production of the event and was in charge of anything that happened with the facility and equipment. Well both the facility and the equipment acted up and of course SM took care of it. The evening was his and he shined. And I had the great honor to see him shine.

At the start of the event, the lights started to flicker. SM runs out the door to manage it. I ‘m sitting right up front & saw SM walk. As he streaked by I saw his light leaving for the first time. I tried connecting with his eyes but couldn’t see them.

The light was more like a dim glow & some glare on his glasses. The building lights flickered, then shut off and then a few minutes latter they came on. When SM walked back in, he looked normal so I thought nothing of it.

Few minutes later the lights decided to alternate – one row on & nothing else, then another section & nothing else. Again SM leaves the room & again he streaks by in front of me. I try to connect with his eyes. This time the glare was much stronger and it looks like steam spilling out around the rim. When he came back in, he looksnormal again.

What the heck – I’m I imagining this??

The third event is the building’s fire alarm going off. this time it was a strong and beautiful light!

I could see the light emanating from his eyes and reflecting off his glasses. It was so consistent that it blocked me from seeing his eyes.

All I could see is a shine around his eyes, a reflected back image on the lens and a halo around his head. Wow! this is beautiful

I’ve never experienced a soul leave at the moment it is going. I’ve always imagined that as  an awful experience. I’ve had death as a scary devastating occurrance.  After all we are lead to believe that death is the END – there is nothing there on the other side. The grand finale, the last curtain call and the end of who we are….

But my friends, I beg to differ & this experience confirms it for me. If you ask for evidence – I have none. You could call it a hallucination or a figment of my imagination.

But in my heart I know I got to experience the essence of who we are and how it is compressed and compacted down into this little 5′-9″ bottle I call my body. When I saw SM leaving, it was as if the genie was released from it’s bottle to be free and be the greatness that this soul can be.

Finally, at the end of the evening SM & his crew are called to the front to be acknowledged and in that moment, before he stood up, the halo around his head, pulled off towards the ceiling.

The glow left him!

The genie is now free to expand and stretch it wings. Fly & be free!

He was now complete as he was being acknowledged. He was free to go and left completely fulfilled.

OMG! my words are dismal at explaining the magnitude of what I was experiencing!

Within hours his body completed it’s purpose and at 10:15pm, SM was no longer on this earth. That evening SM’s life was completed in a fatal car accident. He went on to shine on out in the universe…

He is an amazing powerhouse, a beautiful soul shining and giving love to everyone he met.

Shine on you crazy diamond…

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