All posts by psolis

Foolish Old Man : Forty-Seven Seasons

Here is another portion of the book I’m writing, Foolish Old Man. Ding! The elevator announcing my arrival, waking me from my moments lost in a day dream. The doors

The Dancer

This photo came to be from a mistake. I had the camera on a low setting & the movement became streaks. But with a little enhancement & playing with the

Sacred Geometry

I wanted to share with you a presentation I did a few weeks age. I presented several multi-layer boards to express some basic principles of Sacred Geometry & how they

Project : Eclectic Design

The stone patter on the entry adds a splash of warmth, elegance & depth to the overall design. The entry is balanced, elegant & it draws you in. It was

Chicuito, Peru Iglesia de Chicuito

I was very fortunate to have Otilia, Sandra and Mari not only be great tour guides, but they offered all their friendship to me. This was the most amazing experience